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Writer's pictureChris Curry

September 2024 Newsletter

“You don’t have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them.” – Ray Bradbury in Fahrenheit 451

Books and fine art photography! Can it get any better than that at A Novel Experience? September ushers in the 21st edition of SlowExposures--the photo festival held annually in Pike County that celebrates photography of the rural South. And, join us at the store where we honor the incredible volunteers of SlowE whose photographs will grace our walls this month. Come for Saturday Brunch on Saturday, Sept. 21, 9-11 to meet them--and stay for Jerry Atnip's Juror's Talk at 10 a.m. at the Chamber next door --he'll share his impressions of the PopUp Tour exhibits around the Square during SlowE.

You never know where a discussion on a book will take you--and, how much fun it can be to share ideas with fellow book lovers. Consider joining one of our monthly get-togethers. We have discussion groups on current subjects of interest, knitting groups, and book groups about all kinds of subjects. We enjoy great discussions at our monthly "Living Room Conversations"-- there we celebrate diversity in opinion and celebrate how we pull off discussing a variety of topics in a fun, civil and informative way. It can be done! Alert! Living Room Conversations won't be meeting this month because of the photo festival but we'll be baaaack!

Come and see us! And, as always, let us know what you've been reading!

The Novel Experience Team

Find treasures in these stacks!

SlowExposures: The 21st annual photography festival featuring photography of the contemporary rural South

Through the course of three days, September 20th through September 22nd enjoy 9 distinctive photography exhibitions throughout Pike County--all set in historic buildings. Start at the Main Show at Strickland's in Concord--75 images by photographers from across the U.S. chosen by Jurors Anna Walker Skillman and Brian Taylor. They will be on tap to discuss their selection process at the Juror's Talk at 11:00 am on Sunday, Sept. 22nd at Strickland's. For more information, go to Show Catalogs also available at the store!

Our September Calendar!

We'll be open on Labor Day, Monday, September 2nd! Stop by!

TUESDAYS: The Knitters and Crocheters gather! We welcome these make-your-own-treasures folks the every Tuesday (except the first one!) at 2:00--if you are a pro, or want to figure out how to wield those knitting needles or crochet hooks you put down ages ago, stop by!

THURSDAY, September 12th: THE SCI-FI GROUP meets at 6:00 to discuss Naomi Novik's "His Majesty's Dragon".

THURSDAY, September 5th: THE DROP-IN GUILT-FREE BOOK GROUP meets at the store at 7:00 p.m.! We're discussing "Vengeance is Mine" by Marie Ddiaye.

FRIDAY, September 6th: The Writer's Group meets at the store at 6:00 pm. It's not too late--write something to share! "The creative process takes its own course. If it did otherwise, it would not be creative" P.W. Martin

TUESDAY, September 3rd: THE SPIRITUALITY GROUP meets at 1:00 p.m. to continue the discussion of Richard Rohr's The Universal Christ.

SATURDAY, September 14th: NOVELS AT NIGHT meets at 6 to discuss Most Ardently by Gage Cole Novou.

MONDAY, Sept. 9th: THE ROMANCE PAGES SOCIETY is reading Flawless by Elsie Silver from 7-8 p.m.

FRIDAY, SATURDAY and SUNDAY, Sept. 20, 21, and 22nd: We welcome everyone who is coming to celebrate the 21st "SlowExposures Photography Festival"! Get your "passport" for all the shows featuring photography of the rural South at The Main Exhibition in Concord--and then visit us in Zebulon! Remember, we're doing Brunch on Saturday beginning at 9!

LIVING ROOM CONVERSATIONS will not be meeting this month! (We have to make room for SlowExposures). Join us next month! Imagine-- enjoying civil discussion with a diverse group on a variety of topics! Join us at 3:00 next month--Sunday, October 13th!

WEDNESDAY, September 25th at High Noon: Different time from our regular third Wednesday! The BROWN BAG BOOK GROUP discusses The Maid by Nita Prose.

SUNDAY, September 29th: THE CLASSICS GROUP meets at 2:00 pm to discuss Irene Nemirovsky's Suite Francaise.


All of us at A Novel Experience

770-567-1103. 426 Thomaston Street, Zebulon, GA 30295

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