“Books are the treasured wealth of the world and the fit inheritance of generations and nations.”
― Henry David Thoreau, Walden
Our tradition to honor of the founding of our country is to display the flag that graced Karen's father's casket (thankfully, he survived combat at the Battle of the Bulge in WWII and lived to a grand old age). In this tumultuous time it's that important to join together to celebrate on the 4th. And, we're doing our best to honor the ideals that make our country great, among them the founder's robust--and civil--debate that eventually resulted in the Constitution. Stop by--our bookstore's rule is "Anyone can join any conversation" and, we do have interesting discussions! Also consider our monthly "Living Room Conversations" when our diverse group discusses a current topic in an informative, and civil, way.
Hot enough out there for you? Check out summer reads of great summer reads for beach vacations (used books are the best antidotes to worrying about spilling drinks on pristine new ones...).
Here's the latest on our wonderful booksellers--Birthdays: Keela notches another year on her belt on July 19th, Karen celebrates on July 31st, and Brenda Fayard blows out her candles on July 26th. Come and say Happy Birthday!
4th of July Alert! We'll be closed on Thursday the 4th. Enjoy the holiday!
The Novel Experience Team
Have an American Flag picture? We'd love to hang it for July at the store!
For our July photography show we traditionally invite our customers to bring photographs and art featuring the American Flag. If you would like to participate this month, please stop by and bring us a picture to hang at the store. Thanks for sharing the red, white, and blue!
Our July Calendar!
Please note that we'll be closed on Thursday the 4th but will be back on our regular schedule M-Saturdays 10-7!
TUESDAYS: The Knitters and crocheters are here! We welcome a great group of enthusiasts who have a casual, drop-in gathering every Tuesday beginning at 5 and going to 7. If you are a pro, or want to figure out how to wield those needles and hooks you put down ages ago, stop by!
THURSDAY, July 4th: We are closed today and getting ready to watch fireworks tonight--and calm down our dogs! :) And, the Drop-In Guilt Free Book Group meets next Thursday!
SUNDAY, July 7th: THE SILENT BOOK CLUB meets 3:30-5--bring a book and enjoy it without interruptions!
MONDAY, July 8th: THE ROMANCE PAGES SOCIETY book club meets 7-8 to discuss "Love and Other Words".
SATURDAY, July 13th: NOVELS AT NIGHT discusses Mercy's Light by Jess L.M. Anderson at 6 pm--everyone's invited!
FRIDAY, July 5th: The Writer's Group meets at the store at 6:00 pm. It's not too late--write something to share! "The creative process takes its own course. If it did otherwise, it would not be creative" P.W. Martin
TUESDAY, July 2: THE SPIRITUALITY GROUP meets at 1:00 to discuss The Universal Christ by Richard Rohr.
THURSDAY, July11th: THE DROP-IN GUILT-FREE BOOK GROUP meets at the store at 7:00 p.m.! We're discussing "Wish You Were Here" by Jodi Picolt. Join us!
THURSDAY, July 11th: THE SCI-FI BOOK GROUP gathers from 6:00 to 7:00 to discuss The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chamber. Join us!
SUNDAY, July 14th at 3:00: LIVING ROOM CONVERSATIONS invites everyone who enjoys civil discussion with a diverse group on a variety of topics--topic: Topic TBD--we'll be in touch!. Join us at 3:00!
WEDNESDAY, July 17th at High Noon: The BROWN BAG BOOK GROUP discusses Our Missing Hearts by Celeste Ng.
SUNDAY, July 28th: THE CLASSICS GROUP meets at 2:00 pm to discuss The Castle of Otranto by Henry Walpole. Now, that's a classic!
All of us at A Novel Experience
770-567-1103. 426 Thomaston Street, Zebulon, GA 30295