We give thanks!
“Fiction is art and art is the triumph over chaos… to celebrate a world that lies spread out around us like a bewildering and stupendous dream.”
― John Cheever
It's Fall! And, we're a tiny bit late in getting out the newsletter--we hope everyone remembered to put their clocks back on Sunday! Boy, it's getting dark really early!
Downtown Zebulon hosted the annual Trick or Treat on the Square this past Thursday when we welcomed all manner of ghosts, goblins, and superheroes. What a great group of kids and parents stopped by! And, many thanks for the Pike County school system's donation of kid's books for all the participating merchants and civic groups to go along with the candy!
And, consider ordering your holiday book titles a little earlier than usual--we're hearing that supply lines may still be a little iffy again this year. Please don't forget that indie bookstores offer on-line ordering from BOOKSHOP--you can order from our very own page and support our store from the comfort of your home. And, thinking about the upcoming season, stay tuned for our annual collection of "stocking stuffers"!
We welcome the local chapter of the Georgia Nature Photographer organization this month for their beautiful photo show on the wonders of nature and wildlife. Stop by and enjoy the show!
We wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving--we will be closed on Thursday, November 28th but we'll open on the Friday and Saturday of that weekend--stop by with friends and family to catch up! And, as always, let us know what you're reading!
The Novel Experience Team
November at A Novel Experience
THURSDAY, Nov. 7th: The Drop-In, Guilt Free Book Group meets at 7 pm to discuss Chenneville by Paulette Jiles.
FRIDAY, Nov. 1st: The Writer's Group meets at the store at 6:00 pm every month--join us next month! Get started--write something to share!
TUESDAY, Nov. 5th: THE SPIRITUALITY GROUP meets at 1:00 p.m. at the store. And, that's Election Day--good timing to join this group--stop by and take a seat!
SATURDAY, Nov. 16th: NOVELS AT NIGHT meets at 6:00 to discuss The TerraFormers by Annalee Newitz. And, don't forget Molena's Big Foot Festival where you can meet him!
SUNDAY, November 10th at 3 pm: LIVING ROOM CONVERSATIONS Join our conversation group where we practice communicating across differences while building understanding and relationships--and have a great time! We choose a different topic every month--this month's topic: TBS--we'll let you know!
MONDAY, November 11th at 7:00: THE ROMANCE PAGES SOCIETY discusses Meet Me at the Museum.
SUNDAY, Nov. 24th at 2:00: THE CLASSICS GROUP meets to discuss Independent People by Halldor Laxness.
WEDNESDAY, Nov. 20th at High Noon: The BROWN BAG BOOK GROUP discusses A Day in the Life of Abed Alama by N. Thrall. Join us at the store!
SATURDAY, Nov. 23rd from 5-7: The Self-Pubblished Authors gather at a book signing from 5-7--it's a great time to discuss the work and to explore the "how-to's" for getting a book published. Join us!
THURSDAY, Nov. 28th: Happy Thanksgiving, all! We'll be closed that day but will be here as usual on Friday and Saturday! 10-7--stop by with visiting friends and family!
And, heads-up! Don't miss our annual holiday celebration of great art featuring Pat Hankins' incredible pottery! The reception with Pat will be the first Saturday in December--that's December 2nd--6-8! She will be joined by Chase Todd and Michelle Thaxton who will present their artistic work on our walls.
Can't wait to see you! And make sure to tell us what you've been reading!
All of us at A Novel Experience
770-567-1103. 426 Thomaston Street, Zebulon, GA 30295